Genealogy Records

Tree growing from open book with title "Family Records Digital Collection" over old photographs

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Looking for someone? Trying to find a specific ancestor or prove a family tie? Want to know more about where you came from? Welcome to our online family records collection!

This collection includes digitized versions of all family trees, histories, etc. that we have or receive; these records are also generously duplicated here by Morehead State University. If you need to access a physical copy, original records are kept in archive by MSU.

Records are organized alphabetically by surname in the list below. If you know who you're looking for, use (Ctrl + F) in any Windows- or Linux-based browser or ⌘-F on a Mac to search the page for a specific name.

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Lloyd Dean
Carolyn Leffler
View Record

Creech (James)

Lloyd Dean
Mort Dean
Harold Sparks
Johnnie S. Binion
View Record